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Issues in Pidgin are sometimes hard to troubleshoot so it’s of key importance to understand how to obtain the necessary information so that developers can understand what causes the issue. In this section, we’ll explain the two methods that are usually followed when troubleshooting issues in Pidgin.

If you are reading this because you are facing an issue and want to submit a bug report, make sure you read the related page before doing so.

Obtaining a debug log

Debug logs contain messages generated by Pidgin and can help understand what was the application doing before a specific event (most likely a bug) got triggered.

Debug logs can be obtained through the Pidgin user interface by opening the Debug Window (Help -> Debug Window). However, if Pidgin is crashing and you cannot get the debug logs from there, read the following instructions according to the operating system you are using to get the debug logs outputted into a file.

All OS except Windows

Open a terminal and start Pidgin as follows:

pidgin --debug |& tee ~/debug.log

This will save the debug logs generated by Pidgin in a debug.log file that will be placed in the home directory of the user executing the command.


Open a Command Prompt window and start Pidgin as follows:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Pidgin"
pidgin.exe --debug 2>&1 > "%USERPROFILE%\debug.log"

Note: C:\Program Files (x86)\ is the default path where Pidgin will be installed to, if you installed Pidgin to a different directory make sure you use it when running the commands expressed above.

This will save the debug logs generated by Pidgin in a file called debug.log that will be placed in the %USERPROFILE% directory, which normally evaluates to C:\Users\username.

Obtaining a backtrace

If Pidgin or Finch has crashed, one of the first things you’ll want to do before submitting a bug is getting a backtrace. Useful backtraces will help Pidgin developers find where in Pidgin, Finch, or LibPurple the bug got triggered and from there think about how to find a fix for it.

All OS except Windows


The most important prerequisite before being able to get a backtrace is to make sure that you have the debugging symbols for pidgin, libpurple and finch installed.

Please follow the instructions below if you are using one of these distributions for more details on how to achieve this. If you are using a different distribution then we recommend you to look for a similar page in the documentation or find out what packages/configuration is needed before you can get useful backtraces.

  • Ubuntu: see the Ubuntu wiki page on obtaining backtraces.
  • Debian: see the Debian wiki page on obtaining backtraces.
  • Fedora: Install the -debuginfo rpm first. See these instructions for more details.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux: Install the -debuginfo rpm first, then follow our instructions below.
  • Gentoo: emerge pidgin withUSE=debug. See the gentoo wiki page for more details.
  • Arch Linux: see the Arch wiki page on obtaining backgraces, build the debug version of Pidgin and follow the instructions below.

Getting traces

The easiest way to obtain a backtrace for Pidgin is by running with gdb. If you are trying to get a trace for Finch, then make sure you read GDB and finch. Here are the basics:

  1. Run the application with gdb and specify to save the output to a file:
$ gdb --args pidgin --debug |& tee ~/pidgin-backtrace.log
  1. Next, you’ll see some information from gdb similar to this:
GNU gdb (Debian 10.1-1.7)
Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:

For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word".
  1. Start the application from within the debugger by executing the following commands:
(gdb) handle SIGPIPE nostop noprint
(gdb) run
  1. Information will pass by now and Pidgin will start. You should reproduce your crash now, and once the crash has happened do the following:
(gdb) bt full

When you get the backtrace, instead of seeing function names, you might see ‘??’ instead. If that’s the case, gdb couldn’t read the function names from Pidgin and so the backtrace won’t end up being very useful after all. These means that you are not meeting the prerequisites stated at the beginning of this section. If you see function names, then the backtrace is good and can be attached to your bug report.

  1. Look for the ~/pidgin-backtrace.log file where the contents of the backtrace should have been saved and attach it to your bug report.

GDB and finch

If you are trying to obtain a backtrace for Finch you need to do something different as Finch is a console-based application. Assuming that finch will at least start up without crashing, you can attach gdb to a running finch process from a second terminal in order to debug it. Thus, instead of doing as you would with Pidgin (gdb finch and then run), you will do the following:

  1. Start finch as you normally would in a terminal.
  2. Once finch is up and running, open a second terminal and find its process ID using, e.g., the ps or the pidof commands.
  3. Once you have its process ID (also known as pid), run in the second terminal:
$ gdb finch <pid>
  1. The finch process will become unresponsive, this is expected. Now similar to before, run:
(gdb) handle SIGPIPE nostop noprint
(gdb) continue

Note the use of continue instead of run. From here on out, to get the backtrace follow the same instructions for Pidgin after the run command was executed.


  • Make sure that you have the “Debug Symbols” for your current Pidgin version. These are installed by selecting a checkbox in the Pidgin installer. You can verify if you have the debug symbols by checking if you have a pidgin-x.y.z-dbgsym (with x.y.z matching the Pidgin version you have installed) directory in your Pidgin installation directory.

  • The next time you run Pidgin and it crashes, the call stack will be dumped to a pidgin.RPT file in your %PURPLEHOME%\.purple directory. Unless you changed it, the default value of %PURPLEHOME% matches %APPDATA% so in most cases you want to look for the C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.purple directory.

  • When submitting a bug report remember to attach the most recent crash dump from the aforementioned pidgin.RPT file.

    Note: Each new crash dump will append to the pidgin.RPT file, so if you have several crashes all the dumps will be present. Thus, it may be a good idea to delete the file, trigger the crash in Pidgin and then upload that clean pidgin.RPT file to the bug report you are submitting.

  • The Microsoft Windows “Error Report” isn’t useful to us in any way; make sure you do not include it in the bug report.